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     At the closing of my junior year, I made an executive decision to keep moving forward. To let the past remain just that; history. I wouldn’t let an unfortunate year define my future. Instead I’d learn, and grow from the mistakes that I made. It was time start over, and create new opportunities for myself. Overall, I would make my senior year a time to be honest with myself. And in truth, I need a new area of focus in my life. Joining emc, I have decided, can act as the first step in being a happier, more passionate, more curious me.      I don’t have any unrealistic expectations set for this class, or many regular expectations at all. Instead, I have goals. First, I want to go with the flow of my research. If something doesn’t feel quite right, I don’t want to dwell on it. Second, I want to improve on my work ethic. Unlike my peers participating in emc, I am not the perfect straight-A model student. Instead, I’m pretty average. This isn’t because I’m not able, but instead because I don’t feel connected to the content of my classes. Hopefully, working with a topic which I am passionate about will assist me in fixing this problem. Lastly, and above all, I want to enjoy this experience. Whether or not I accomplish amazing things, I hope to stay positive. Regardless, I am learning. And that concludes my first ever blog post. So I begin my journey.

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